Monday, February 11, 2008

Redbrid Hatin'

I’m not trying to add to my list of ESPN writer that I don’t care for, BUT.....

Will Harris wrote this article about my Cardinals. Will is entitled to his opinion and a lot of the baseball world would agree with what he said, but I have a problem when anyone says things like…

“This could easily be the worst team in the National League. The Cardinals' roster is absolutely full of players whose skills or health make them unlikely to even repeat the performances that led the team to a sub-.500 record last season, let alone improve on them.”


“Expect La Russa and Pujols to land with another franchise soon so that the rebuilding can commence in earnest. St. Louis fans should hunker down over a slab of ribs from C & K and start wondering if the Rams will be any good this fall.”

Let me again say, Will’s assessment is not far off from most people in baseball. I ‘m not saying that his words are out of line, I just want them to be on the record.

It should also be noted that the last time the Cardinals were the worst team in the National League Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States in 1918. They came in last place just behind the Boston Braves.

Say what you want Will, there’s still a reason we play the games.

And you can quote me on that!


Anonymous said...

what exactly is a redbrid?

Caseyallen said...

If you need to ask youdont need to know!

Anonymous said...

I have heard of Red Birds.